潮傑, A.B.C.

Union Theological Seminary

Union Theological Seminary is a graduate school of theology that fosters social justice and civic duty. Although grounded in Christian tradition, it boasts a student body from all religions.

We developed a viewbook proposal to express the school’s broad philosophical views, challenging audiences perceptions of what a theological education can provide.

Structurally, the book builds upon the Van de Graaf canon that models Gutenberg's bible (2:3), where the shape is emphasized throughout the framing of images and text. The layout further emphasizes typical biblical language with the use of left hand marginalia, and text overlays and underlines speak in the seminary's voice.

Design Partners: Jennifer Kinon, Bobby C. Martin Jr.
Design: Jonathan Lee
Photography and assets courtesy of Union Theological Seminary.

 Blurred images are juxtaposed with provocative quotes to encourage readers to contemplate as they go through the book.

Blurred images are juxtaposed with provocative quotes to encourage readers to contemplate as they go through the book.

 The ratio's shape is echoed throughout the book, used for infographics, photos, and chapter lead-ins.

The ratio's shape is echoed throughout the book, used for infographics, photos, and chapter lead-ins.

 Tinted paper marks a change in the pace of the book. 

Tinted paper marks a change in the pace of the book. 

 Photos in and out of focus are used for highlights of student/faculty profiles and campus amenities.

Photos in and out of focus are used for highlights of student/faculty profiles and campus amenities.

 The index brings the photos back into focus and allows you to learn more about their backstory.

The index brings the photos back into focus and allows you to learn more about their backstory.